But I have a Good Excuse..
Well For half the time anyway
after that the motto "something you do for more than 30 days becomes habit" sort of deal happened..
meaning that when i wasn't able to Blog and finally had the chance, i just never got around to it..
Yes BOO me..
But I'm back!!
So First things First Since my last entry I've gone through a whole ups and downs and arounds...
you know LIFE...
SO what ill do is this.. Ill cram the hi-lites in this one and then ill expand on it on later ones
First New Cars...
Well One New Car
Let me explain
My Husband Finally decided i needed a vehicle of my own and we decided to go on the hunt for one..
My Tiny Financially Responsible and Frugal thought self had its Heart set on Honda CR-V
You know the Fuel Efficiency and lower insurance and all that on top of the monthly note for the car..
Well it happened.. YAY
Isnt Beautiful??
The Picture isnt edited in anyway except i ONLY added the Caption on the bottom
and the way the light just shines off the car...
It Was A dream come true..
For a while.. LOL
Then the Dealership calls us back..
They said something had happened with the bank on their part so now they were trying to Refinance the vehicle..
Still NOT sure What Happened..
So they sat me and the hubby down and showed us a New Contract..
The car note increased almost $200 more and with an Interest Rate of 23+
There was NO way we would end up paying more than 31,000 for a Used Honda...
Then there was another..
So we Refused to sign the contract and with the sales man at our heels he insisted we look at other vehicles on their lot..
I was pretty bummed and didn't want to.
I really Really LOVED my Honda.
So we came back the Next day and looked around..
At first it didn't stand out to me
maybe Because i was still so Heartbroken lol
so we test drove 2 other vehicles before i was like "alas we come down to the only other decent car i Might be interested in...."
And when i drove it.. It was Love at First Drive...
My heart was set and i Wanted the Jeep....
SO Yeah Two New Cars in one Year... Pretty Fun.. LOL
The New Me..
Before I got Married i had been a blond for almost 10 years.. Since i was 15..
Then came the dreaded bills, diapers, and all kid expenses that pretty much put all your Wants Not just in the Back Seat BUT somewhere Buried in the trunk Along with any Dreams and hopes you had for the Near Future... Enter Newlywed Life and Parenthood.. "dunn dunn ddduuuuuunnnn" ....(Get it.. Belt from the Croods..??? Never mind)

SO My Natural Hair Grew out and i maintained that Brunette look till recently this Past June on my Birthday..
I added some Hilites.. I was to scared to go back Light after all i had been a brunette for almost 5 years..
But after almost 2 1/2 months with it i wasn't happy with the subtle Hilites and went back in and asked for INCREDIBLY LIGHT noticeable Hilites..
and I love It
Though i would still like to go lighter im happy with it for now..
I also decided to kick up my life by getting active as much as my body would allow... And I have almost Reached my ideal weight.. Its those darn last 10lbs you always have trouble with... lol
Here's a picture to show exactly how much ive dropped
the bottom jeans is what i used to wear and keep in mind i was already busting out of those so they didn't exactly fit anymore..
Yes ill be honest for weight lost struggles sake
Yes I did do the whole jumping in the jeans to get them to go up and shaking the legs and even laying down on the bed to zip it up..LOL.. Pretty Sad huh?
The Jeans On top is what i wear i wear now.. that's almost about an inch!! might not seem Big to you But its Huge for me 20lbs gone in less than 4 months..
But now I've plaetou I cant seem to shake off those extra 10lbs that would put me at pre-pregnancy weight..
But its not so much weight I'm focused on Its Fat.
I've decided to burn off as much Fat as possible and if i don't loose more weight Ill be fine with it as long as its muscle weight...
Also Really Quick We are Homeschooling!!
Yes Im Homeschooling My 5yr Old Son.
My husband and I visited an A Beka Material Display and my husband Loved Their Curriculum.
Yes we have crazy days and now i find myself visting the park the library and the Malls Play area often to help keep my sanity!! lol
But I love it i get to see how much my child learns and what he finds interesting and Not so interesting
For example.. He does Exceptionally well during his bible session and remembers Clearly what was taught and bible verses and so on..
However Activity Time .. Meaning Craft and such.. Not so much. At the beginning i almost had to force him to do it now I'm more easy on him on this subject since He really doesn't find it interesting enough.. its not worth the struggle or tears SO we skip it most of the time unless it appeals to him..

Since Its the Holidays and All..
Itll be my Gift to someone Random
I have a Book
"A Thousand Gifts" By Ann Voskamp
She writes beautifully.. Poetically..
She is gifted.
And Im giving away A copy of her Book.
SO here's what to do.. Comment Below what your favorite Book is and a Very short Why... And Ill Randomly select a Winner Saturday December 21.
(Updated 12/15/13 Note: If you are having trouble commenting below just follow the "A Beautiful Life Facebook Icon At the top of this blog and comment there.... I apologize for the inconvenience.. working on a solution..)
So Happy Winning!