Im Ericka and I would like to welcome you to my blog.
I want to thank you for taking the time to stop by.
I first started blogging just for fun, then it became almost therapeutic for me. :)
I am A California City Girl Turned Country Loving Texan Girl. Interesting right!?
I am Married to a Entrepreneur Evangelist Type Of Man.. Its a roller coaster Marriage of Never knowing whats coming Next..
It keeps me on my toes thats for sure. Lol
I have a total of 3 children D, Jr, and Jj.
I am a Stay@home Homeschool mom
I am also one of the 1.3 Million people affected by Rheumatoid Arthritis.
This Bog was started out pure passion to show people that Life is Still purposeful and meaningful through the storm of an auto immune disorder that bound you chronic pain for the rest of your Life.
It was out my heart that i wanted to show everyone How A Beautiful Life is by Choice, not circumstance.
I hope you enjoy been able to view through the windows of internet how I choose to stay positive and embrace Life for what it really is.. Beautiful, if you so choose to.
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